have various preconceptions - opinions formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience, challenge the stereotypes - do something to see the other side of things, have second thoughts - start having doubts about a decision you have made, keep an open mind - try not to judge before you know the facts, be narrow-minded - unwilling to accept or try to understand ideas that are new or different, eye-opening - surprising and unexpected, see a situation from a whole new perspective - in a new way of looking at things, the argument is very convincing - able to persuade somebody to believe that something is true, if you want my personal opinion - I think, opinionated - stubborn and often unreasonable, have a difference of opinion - disagree with someone, opinion is divided - people have different opinions about something, it's a matter of opinion - there is no right or wrong answer, be entitled to your own opinion - have a right to make your own decisions, keep your opinions to yourself - not say what you really think, the general opinion - an opinion which is commonly agreed on,

Speakout Advanced Unit 2.2 Opinions

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