stanza - A group of lines in a poem (like a paragraph), line break - the point where a line of poetry ends, rhythm - a pattern of syllables and rhymes that gives the poem a beat , lyrical poetry - short poetry that rhymes and sounds like a song, poet - author of poetry, speaker - character inside the poem , rhyme scheme - pattern of rhyming words at the end of lines of poetry, repetition - a word or phrase that is repeated for emphasis, free verse poetry - poetry that does not have rhyme or follow rules , narrative poetry - poem that tells a story , metaphor - a direct comparison of two unlike things, simile - comparison of two things using like or as , humorous poem - poetry that is meant to be silly and make readers laugh, personification - giving a nonhuman characteristics , imagery - descriptive language used to create pictures in the reader's mind , figurative language - types of creative language that are intended to make reading more interestingto,

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