Tú > fun / my brother, Ellos < tall /  your grandma, Chicken = delicious = fish, Bananas = nutritious = grapes, Soda < nutritious / juice, Steak = expensive = lobster, Corn = cheap = potatoes, Videogames = fun = sports, Netflix / better/ Hulu, Fish worse / beef, Sr. Casey > funny / Mr. Berg, Chocolate > sweet / beans, Popeye's worse / Chik - Fil -A, Sr. Casey / older / Sra. Schroeder, Tuna worse / salmon, Translate: I have as many pineapples as her. , Translate: We eat as many onions as Gustavo., Translate: Chiles are as spicy (picante) as black pepper. , Apple > more fresh / pear, Cedarburg / better than / Grafton., The Heat better than / The Bucks (qué triste), Beef > expensive / ham, Chicken < expensive / beef, Translate: Sausage has as many calories (calorias) as bacon. , Translate: They study as many hours as you. , El arroz > bland / los espaguetis., Salad > lighter / a burger, Tea < bitter / coffee., Chips > crunchy / ice cream, Peaches < sour / lemons..

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