Andrew Young - worked with MLK, Jr.; 1st Black representative in Congress since Reconstruction, Martin Luther King, Jr. - helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), sit-ins - African-Americans would sit in "whites only" sections of a business, Brown v. the Board of Education - said that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, Thurgood Marshall - First African American to be a Supreme Court Justice, Lyndon B. Johnson - US President who signed the Civil Rights laws in 1964-65, Albany - city where the African-Americans tried to get desegragation laws passed, John Lewis - led SNCC; US Representative in Congress; died in 2020, March on Washington - The "I Have a Dream" speech was featured at this event, Plessy v. Ferguson - the Brown v. Board of Education case said this court case was unconstitutional,

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