bakery - a place where you can buy baked products , bus stop - you can get on a bus here, traffic light - a green, yellow, red lamp on the crossroad, crossroad - where two or more roads meet, cinema - you can watch films there, trade center - a place full of shops, cafes, restaurants, school - a place where you go to learn, bank - a place where your parents keep money, city - a big town, sky scrapers - high buildings where people can live and work, park - a place full of trees, bushes and flowers, greengrocery shop - a place where you can buy fruits and vegetables, church - a place where people go to pray, zebra crossing - a place where you can cross the road safety, newsagent - a place where you can buy magazines and newspapers, pavement (footpath) - a place where you can walk along the road safety, butcher`s shop - a place where you can buy different kinds of meat,

Places in the city

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