eyeball - you use this to see, boarding pass - you need to this to get on a plane, parking ticket - you may get this when you park your car in a bus lane, seat belt - you put this on for safety in a vehicle, traffic jam - a long line of cars usually at peak hour, skyscraper - this building touches the clouds, ringtone - the noise your phone makes when receiving a call, science fiction - stories set in the future, or in space, public school - a place to study that is paid for by the government, private school - a place to study that is paid for by the parents, flashdrive - use this to transfer files between computers, seafood - consumables found in the ocean, earthquake - a disaster when the ground shakes, football - a popular sport, swimming pool - a massive basin filled with water where you train, checkout - where your groceries are scanned, airline - a company that flies planes, armchair - a seat to relax in, boyfriend - your male lover, snowboarding - a winter sport, cowboy - an animal herder typically from the mid-west of the U.S., chopsticks - you eat your rice with these, classmate - you study with this person, dishwasher - a machine that cleans the plates, gentleman - a male who opens the door for you, grandmother - your parents' parent, goldfish - a common aquatic pet, greenhouse - a place for your tomatoes made of glass, handcuffs - you wear this when you are under arrest, moonlight - beams brightly at night from the sky,

EC I2 M2 10A Compound nouns by their descriptions


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