1) He ... a black jacket. (nemá) a) have got b) haven't got c) has got d) hasn't got 2) He ... a skateboard. (má) a) hasn't got b) haven't got c) has got d) have got 3) She ... blue shorts. (má) a) has got b) have got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 4) We ... red shoes. (máme) a) hasn't got b) haven't got c) has got d) have got 5) Mike ... a white hat. (nemá) a) haven't got b) hasn't got c) has got d) have got 6) Lucy ... brown hair. (nemá) a) has got b) have got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 7) Nick ... a new ball. (má) a) have got b) has got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 8) I ... a pink bike! (mám) a) hasn't got b) has got c) have got d) haven't got 9) A baby ... a doll. (nemá) a) has got b) have got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 10) I ... a red dress. (nemám) a) haven't got b) has got c) have got d) hasn't got 11) They ... toys. (mají) a) has got b) have got c) hasn't got d) haven't got 12) He ... a brown cat. (nemá) a) has got b) have got c) hasn´t got d) haven´t got

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