Please put this sentence in the PAST TENSE: The leprechaun looks for his pot of gold. , Please put this sentence in the FUTURE: On March 17th they wear green. , Please put this sentence in the PAST TENSE: I go to the St. Patrick's Day parade with my family. , Please put this sentence in the FUTURE: You get pinched if you do not wear green on St. Patrick's Day. , Does St. Patrick's Day look like fun? Why or why not? ¿El día de San Patricio parece divertido? ¿Por qué o por qué no? Which Foreigner Holiday do you most want to celebrate abroad? Which foreigner holiday do you most want to celebrate abroad? , How do they celebrate this holiday around the world? ¿Cómo celebran esta festividad en todo el mundo?, Please put this sentence in the PAST TENSE: They dye the river in Chicago green on St. Patrick's Day. .


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