She (play) tennis since she was at secondary school., He (never, fly) in an airplane., My parents (go) on many cruises., We (study) English for almost 2 years., I (work) at this pizza place for three years., My brother and I (never, miss) the bus., Jackie and her husband (be married) for 35 years., I (not, see) the Grand Canyon except in pictures., The teacher (not, met) any of the new students., My mother (make) biscuits every Christmas since I was a child., He (dream) of being a police officer ever since he was in primary school., I (never, have) a pet hedgehog!, It (not, rain) in three weeks!, You still (not, tell) me when your birthday is!, My cousins (not, graduate) yet., I (not, finish) my homework yet., He still (not, return) my phone call., My sister (quit) smoking for 3 months now!, My mum (take) my daughter to school since she was in Primary 1., I (never, see) any of the Jaws movies., She (eat) lunch at her computer all week!, He (never, ride) a camel. Neither have I!, They still (not, speak) to each other since the argument., She (been) to Paris many times..

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