____ - eat berries with its beak____ - drink water from the river ____ - sit on a leaf, hide from a predator, use camouflage ____ - hatch from the eggs ____ - drink nectar from a flower, sit on a flower ____ - hide in a coral reef, hide from a predator THREADS TO SURVIVAL - ____IMPACT ON ANIMALS AND PLANTS - ____ REASONS FOR HUMAN INTRUSION - ____ THREADS TO SURVIVAL - ____ IMPACT ON ANIMALS AND PLANTS - ____ REASONS FOR HUMAN INTRUSION - v____ THREADS TO SURVIVAL - ____ IMPACT ON ANIMALS AND PLANTS - ____ REASONS FOR HUMAN INTRUSION - ____ How can we reduce the amount of waste?1. buying ____ 2. buying goods from ____ materials 3. ____ 4. ____ less electricity 5. ____ rubbish 6. using jars to store ____ 7. ____ centres

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