Internationalism - Political principle that calls for greater political and economic cooperation among allied nations; advocated for by Franklin Roosevelt  , Isolationism - National policy of avoiding political or economic entanglements with other countries; advocated for by Charles Lindbergh, Neutrality Acts - A series of laws enacted during the 1930s to prevent U.S. arms sales and loans to nations at war, America First Committee - Group which opposed U.S. involvement in World War II, Cash and Carry Policy - 1939 policy that allowed warring nations to buy U.S. arms as long as they paid cash and transported them in their own ships, Arsenal of Democracy Speech - 1940 speech in which Roosevelt promised to help Great Britain fight against Germany by giving them military supplies while the U.S. stayed out of the actual fighting, Lend-Lease Act - 1941 policy under which the U.S. would lend or lease supplies to “any country whose defense was vital to the U.S.”, Atlantic Charter - 1941 statement which defined the Allied goals for the post war world,

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