States’ Rights - According to the 10th Amendment, any powers not given to the federal government are reserved to the states , Republican Party - Political party formed in 1854, opposed further extension of slavery into the new territories of the West, Rebellion - An organized act of defiance or resistance to an established government or leader, Confederacy - A form of government where individual states retain greater power than is given to a central authority, Fort Sumter - A federal fort in South Carolina that refused to surrender to the South, when Confederate forces fired upon it, it began the Civil War, Antietam - A battle in Maryland in which six thousand soldiers were killed making it the bloodiest single day of the Civil War, Gettysburg - A bloody three-day battle in Pennsylvania, in 1863, it was a victory for the Union and became a turning point in the war, Emancipation Proclamation - Lincoln’s famous announcement that liberated slaves in Confederate states, it redefined the war a moral war against slavery, Vicksburg - This Union victory cut the Confederacy in half and gave the union army control of the Mississippi River, Appomattox Courthouse - The Civil War ended here when General Lee surrendered to General Grant in April, 1865,

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