Comparing: On the one hand..., but on the other hand..., The good news is..., but the bad news is..., Whereas before..., we now..., One benefit is that..., though a drawback might be..., Asking for information: Can you tell me a little more...?, I'd like to find out about..., I wonder if you could tell me..., I don't quite understand how it works. Can you tell is more about it?, Changing arrangements: I'm afraid I can't make it today., Can we move it back to Monday?, Can we bring it forward to Wednesday?, The morning is convenient., Welcoming: It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to..., On behalf of the company..., Explaining the programme: Let me run though/go over today's programme., We're going to begin with..., What I want to do today is..., I'll talk about..., Ending: Before I hand over, ..., This brings me to the end of my presentation., Well, that is all I have for today., To summarize my main points..., Promising action: I'll look into it immediately., I'll check it out straight away., I'll get back to you within an hour., I'll find out.,

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