Grew up listening to Gospel music, Danced in the Nutcracker, Is a Ghost Hunter and owns real equipment., Failed the 9th grade 3 times., Has a species of Horse Fly named after them. , Is a huge Justin Bieber fan!, Used to kissed a poster of themselves and say, “Yep! I’m a great kisser!”, Owns a lock of Taylor Swift’s hair , Has had appearances on the TV shows: Sesame Street, The Simpsons and Hannah Montana., Used to work at The Gap. Now openly claims, “I am a God!” 🙄, Real name is Belcalis Almanzar, Fired from more than 15 jobs for having a horrible attitude. , When making an appearance, demands a Playstation and an assortment of sports games from the year 1999., Original stage name was Shrimp Daddy, Wrestled Vince McMahon on WWE, Claims they once dated a ghost. , Spends $1,168,000 a year on their hair., Dropped out of high school and is a terrible driver., Has a phobia/fear of Starbucks coffee cup sleeves. ,

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