watershed - an area of land that drains to a particular body of water such as a river or lake supplying water to it, surface water - rivers, streams, lakes, springs, and swamps, aquifer - underground layer of rock which holds fresh water and allows water to percolate through it., Permeable layer of rock - layer of porous material which allows water to freely pass through it, Permeability - how well water can flow through soil and rock particles, Impermeable layer of rock - layer of solid material, such as rock or clay, which does not allow water to pass through, porosity - the amount of empty space which is determined by a rock’s shape and arrangement, Percolation - the rate at which water can travel through soil and cracks in rock to reach the water table, Groundwater - beneath the Earth's surface, supplies water to wells and springs and comes from precipitation, Point source pollution - Pollutants come from a single location such as dumping chemicals into a river single location such as dumping chemicals into a river, Non-point source pollution - Pollutants are introduced over a widespread area such as agricultural runoff, Agricultural runoff - Sediments/chemicals washing off of fields making their way to groundwater, Algal bloom - Increased fertilizers reach a pond and provide nutrients (nitrogen) for algae, which reduces oxygen for pond wildlife, Water table - upper level of an underground surface in which the soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water are permanently saturated with water, Drainage divide - Higher elevated ground that separates one watershed from another,

Water Vocab

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