PRIMARY SECTOR - An industry involved in the extraction and production of raw materials, such as farming, logging, hunting, fishing, and mining, COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE - A large scale production of crops in which crops are raised and livestock are raised in order to sell the products on the market in order to make money., GENETICALLY MODIFIED - A type of crop in which the plants used in agriculture, the DNA of which has been modified using genetic engineering methods., TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE - A primitive style of farming that involves the intensive use of indigenous knowledge, traditional tools, natural resources, organic fertilizer and cultural beliefs of the farmers., SEDENTARY RAINFED - A type of traditional agriculture that is practised in savannah regions using a system of rotation. , PLANTATION - A form of commercial farming where crops are grown for profit., EXTENSIVE - A type of livestock farming that is carried out on large areas of land, such as meadows, pastures or mountains so that animals graze and take advantage of the natural resources of various areas., INTENSIVE - A type of livestock farming in which the animals are housed with adequate temperatures, feed and health care necessary for the production of animals to be healthy and faster., TRANSHUMANT - A type of livestock farming in which the animals are moved to areas whose fields have food, depending on the season of the year, COASTAL - A traditional way of fishing that takes place near or towards the coast using small boats., INSHORE - A type of fishing that takes place near or towards the coast using small or medium-sized boats.., FACTORY SHIPS - A large ship that has equipment for keeping the fish caught by other smaller ships fresh, usually by freezing them, FISHING GROUNDS - Areas in which fish are naturally concentrated, AQUACULTURE - Breeding of fish in controlled environments, FISHING - Activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport, OFFSHORE - A type of fishing that is practised out at sea with large ships equipped with modern technical instruments.,

Primary Sector Vocabular Part II

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