1) I would like ... by someone. a) to love b) to be loved c) being loved 2) The portrait is thought ... in 1595. a) to be painted b) to have been painted c) to be painting 3) She was the first ... president. a) to elect b) to be elected c) being elected 4) It's no use ... to escape. This is a maximum security prison. a) trying b) try c) to try 5) I certainly won't miss ... by him every day. a) bullying b) to be bullied c) being bullied 6) You are not supposed ... this now. a) to be doing b) being doing c) to been doing 7) I'd love ... last night's performance. a) to be seen b) to have seen c) to be seeing 8) He denied ... the money. a) stealing b) to have stolen c) having been stolen 9) The student apologised for ... into his teacher's Twitter account. a) having hacked b) being hacked c) hack 10) Convicts can choose how ... , either by lethal injection or by electric chair. a) being executed b) to be executed c) to execute

Complex Gerunds and Infinitives I

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