1) This man is ...   He is the  ...person I know. a) angry b) hungry c) loud d) louder e) loudest 2) this woman is...      She is the ... woman in America. a) kind b) pretty c) clever d) prettiest e) preettier f) prittyest 3) This boy is...       He is ... than my friend. a) strong b) shy c) kind d) kinder e) shier f) shiest 4) This dog is ...       He is ... than other dogs. a) funny b) fast c) clever d) cleverest e) funnier f) cleverer 5) This girl is ...      She is the ... girl I know. a) hungry b) kind c) pretty d) prettier e) kindest f) kinder 6) This man is ...    He is ... than my brother. a) strong b) angry c) fast d) angrier e) stronger f) strongest 7) This cat is ...         It  is the  ... of all! a) hungry b) angry c) scary d) scarier e) angriest f) scariest 8) My friend is ...      He is the ... friend of all! a) strong b) loud c) good d) gooder e) goodest f) best

spotlight 4 comperetive and superletive

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