1) Herb is the _______ of Lisa. a) mother b) uncle c) dad 2) Patty is the _______ of Bart. a) uncle b) aunt c) cousin 3) Clancy is the _______ of Selma. a) grandad b) cousin c) dad 4) Mona is the _______ of Homer. a) granny b) aunt c) mother 5) Ling is the _______ of Maggie. a) sister b) cousin c) aunt 6) Maggie is the _______ of Bart. a) aunt b) sister c) granny 7) Abraham is the _______ of Lisa. a) grandad b) dad c) uncle 8) Jackie is the _______ of Ling. a) granny b) mother c) aunt 9) Bart is the _______ of Lisa. a) uncle b) dad c) brother 10) Selma is the _______ of Patty a) cousin b) sister c) uncle 11) Abraham is the _______ of Herb. a) uncle b) dad c) brother 12) Lisa is the _______ of Maggie. a) aunt b) cousin c) sister 13) Selma is the _______ of Bart. a) aunt b) uncle c) sister 14) Lisa is the _______ of Ling. a) mother b) sister c) cousin 15) Marge is the _______ of Lisa. a) sister b) mother c) aunt

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