1) Any substance that has mass and takes up space (has volume) a) Matter b) waste c) microbe d) soil e) environment f) interactions 2) Unused materials that are rejected as worthless or unwanted a) Matter b) waste c) microbe d) soil e) environment f) interactions 3) A very small life form, especially a bacterium a) Matter b) waste c) microbe d) soil e) environment f) interactions 4) Mixture of sand, silt, clay, rock and hummus (plant and animal remains) a) Matter b) waste c) microbe d) soil e) environment f) interactions 5) The space, conditions, living things, and nonliving things around an organism a) Matter b) waste c) microbe d) soil e) environment f) interactions 6) Actions of one thing that have an effect on a different, separate thing a) Matter b) waste c) microbe d) soil e) environment f) interactions 7) The process by which dead organic matter is broken down into simple chemicals and dispersed. a) ecosystem b) compost c) decomposition d) soil e) environment f) interactions 8) A living community of organisms that function as a unit with their environment a) ecosystem b) compost c) decomposition d) soil e) environment f) interactions 9) Decayed organic material that enriches the soil a) ecosystem b) compost c) decomposition d) soil e) environment f) interactions

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