What kind of movies have you been watching recently? Would you recommend any?, Have you followed any TV series for a really long time?, What new TV series have you been watching that you would recommend?, What are some of your favorite books, newspapers or magazines that you have been reading lately?, Are there any blogs that you have been following?, Are you a member of any clubs or groups? How long have you been a member of that club or group?, Have you found any good restaurants in this area that you have been eating at recently?, What have you been doing with your free time recently?, Have you been getting enough exercise?, What has been happening in the news lately?, How have you been feeling lately?, How long have you known the person sitting next to you?, What have you done today?, What are some things that you’ve done this week?, Have you been working out lately?, What have you been doing lately?, What good restaurants have you eaten at?, Have you been doing anything exciting lately?, Have you been saving for anything special?, What good movies have you seen lately?, Have you changed anything in your apartment recently?.


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