1) When I am playing outside I can stay safe from the sun by? a) Wearing sunscreen and a hat b) Only wearing a hat c) Only wearing a tank top d) Putting sunscreen on my forehead 2) Before going into the pool I should..? a) Wait at least 30 seconds b) Put sunscreen c) wear floaties d) Dive into the deep end 3) How can I stay safe at the beach? a) Staying close to parents b) Swimming to the deep end c) Talking to strangers 4) When should I wear sunscreen? a) Only when I am outside b) Only when I am going into water c) Never d) All the time 5) How can I be safe at a amusement park? a) Staying close to parents and wearing mask b) Being close to strangers c) Not wearing my maks d) Touching everything 6) Who should be with me when I buy snacks when out? a) When I am alone b) With a stranger c) With a friend d) With a trusted adult 7) What will keep me cool in the sun? a) Wearing a long-sleeved shirt b) Wearing a hat and fresh clothing c) Wearing boots d) Wearing a winter coat 8) What can I do if I am not feeling well? a) Tell a stranger b) Tell a friend c) Tell a trusted adult d) Tell no one 9) What can I do if I do not feel good? a) Do nothing b) Stay in the sun c) Drink water and sit in the shade d) Only drink soda 10) Where can I play during the summer? a) Places that are hiden b) Away from home c) In someone else home d) Where trusted adults can see you 11) Should I ask a trusted adult for permission before leaving the house? a) Never b) Yes, all the time c) Only if they are home d) Sometimes 12) When should I stay hydrated? a) After being outside all day b) Only when out in the sun c) All the time d) Never 13) What should I do if there is a heatwave? a) Go outside and play b) Go for a run c) wear layers of clothing d) Stay indoors/Cool place 14) If I do not know how to swim what should I do? a) Stay in the shallow end b) Dive into the deep end c) Sit and watch d) Stay home 15) What should I drink to stay hydrated ? a) Water b) Soda c) Juice  d) Milk 16) How much water should I drink when I am in the sun? a) No water b) About 2 liters of water c) About 2 liters of soda d) 8 ounces one time in the day 17) What can of foods will keep me cool and energized during the summer? a) Fruits and veggies b) Only junk food c) Only chips d) Only desserts 18) What if I get a sun burnt? a) stay in the sun b) Wear tight clothing c) wear loose clothing and use aloe vera d) Do nothing 19) What can I use to stay safe when using outdoor equipment? a) Nothing b) Use a helmet and body pads c) Only wear body pads d) Use a baseball cap 20) What can help protect my eyes from the sun? a) Sun screen b) Nothing c) Staying inside d) Sun glasses and cap

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