1) Ann is 3 years old, so she goes to _____________ school.  a) nursery b) primary 2) Our ______________ has changed. Now we have 5 lessons on Mondays and not 7. a) timetable b) home time  c) schedule 3) We spend our ________________ in the playground when the weather's good. a) boards b) breaks c)   free time 4) The _______________ teacher of our school respects teachers, parents and all the students. a) staff b) head 5) We learn about computers, the internet and different applications during our _______ lessons.  a) PE b) RE c) IT 6) I love _______________ about how people live in different countries. a) studying b) learning c) revising 7) Don't forget: you need to hand in your _____________ on Friday. a) project b) performance c) practical exam 8) I can't come out tonight. I need to _____________ for my Geography test. a) learn b) revise c) memorise 9) The examiner will ask you questions in the English _____________ exam. a) practical b) performance c) speaking  10) Are you going to ________________ Spanish next year or will you choose a different language? a) study b) revise c) memorise 11) We have to produce a drawing for our ________________ in Art. a) performance b) written exam c) practical exam

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