The “Come and Take It” flag decorating a cannon - Battle of Gonzales, Where was the treaty signed that ended the Texas Revolution? - Velasco, What is the document that listed the Texans grievances (complaints)? - TX Declaration of Independence , What encouraged Texans to form a government, angering Santa Anna? - Austin arrest, Where did the last battle of the Texas revolution happen? - San Jacinto, Spain gave their independence to in 1821 - Mexico , Juan Davis Bradburn arrested two Americans - William B. Travis , Patrick Jack , Who was the commander of the Alamo - William B. Travis , How many minutes did the battle of the San Jacinto last - 18 minutes , May 14th, 1836 the treaty of velsco was signed by who - Santa Anna , David G. Burnet , Other than winning the last battle, what else happened to help end the revolution - Texans managed to capture Santa Anna ( Mexican president), Where was the treaty signed that ended the Texas Revolution? - Velasco, Which of these gives the best definition for “manifest destiny”? - The U.S. belief was that they would expand across North America , What is the name of the Mexican General leading his men to the Goliad presidio? - Jose Urrea , What was the name of the incident that happened at the Goliad presidio? - Goliad Massacre , What was the nickname given to hundreds of Texan settlers fleeing from the Mexican Army? - Runaway scrape , Who was in command of the Texans at the Goliad presidio? - James Fannin , resulted in the Texans successfully defending their cannon. - Battle of Gonzales, resulted in the Mexican army taking control of San Antonio. - Battle of the Alamo , resulted in immigration from the U.S. to Texas being stopped. - Law of April 6, the capital of Mexico, where Stephen F. Austin was imprisoned for a year - Mexico City , In what year was most of the Texas Revolution fought? - 1836, Which of these men was in command of the Texans defending the Alamo? - William B. Travis , Which of these best summarizes the “Victory or Death” letter written at the Alamo? - Texans needed help so they planned to fight and not to surrender , Who was leading the Mexican army in their attack on the Alamo? - Santa Anna ,


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