You all beg., They [m.] count the money., You show the house., She sleeps., We solve the problem., She wraps the gift., I hang up the telephone., You return the shirt., He dies., The telephone rings., I fi nd the money., We return., Dumbo flies., Jane toasts the bread., We pray for peace., He dreams about a tiger., I don’t remember anything., The book costs ten dollars., You move the chairs., I taste the coffee., I sleep in a bedroom., I count my money every day., The hero flies., Every morning I toast the bread., Normally, I dream when I sleep., Typically, I have lunch at home., Sometimes my friends and I have lunch at a restaurant., My friends show me their houses., Sometimes I find money on the couch., A gold ring costs a lot., After talking on the phone, I hang up., After reading a library book, I return it..

Traducción: Stem-changing o > ue Verbs

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