If you could live the life of any fictional character, which character would it be?, If you could have the mind of someone famous from history and remain in your own body, whose would you choose?, If you had to name the single most regrettable thing about your country's history, what would it be?, If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what would you do?, If you could be a student of any university in the world right now, where would you enroll?, If you were to be married to someone who is famous now, who would you pick to be your new spouse?, If you could have had one composer from history write a symphony for you, who would it be?, If you were to be successful in another profession, what would you want to do?, If you won a lottery, what is the first thing you would do?, If you could become rich doing one thing that you currently don't do, what would you want it to be?, If you were to be a machine, what machine would you be?, If you could read the mind of anyone you know, who would it be?, If you could dance any dance perfectly, which dance would you choose?, If you had to choose the worst book ever written, what would it be?.

If - Questions for the game of life

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