Are you interested in the world of business?, Do you think you have a good head for business?, Is it easy to start a business in your country?, What are some successful small businesses in your town/city?, What business skills do you have?, What kind of people are good at business?, “Business is a combination of war and sport.” Do you agree? Why/why not?, How good are you at negotiating? What have you had to negotiate for in your life? (Examples: House, car, items at a bazaar), What do you consider to be a bad investment? Why?, Do you need to be an expert in your field to become a manager?, What do you have to do to become self-employed in your country?, What do you understand by the term 'business ethics'?, If you received a very good salary would you be prepared to work for a tobacco company or for a company which damaged the environment?, Is there a particular company you would like to be a part of? Why?, Would you prefer to work in a large international company or a small local company? Why?.

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