WIN - to receive something because you did well or tried hard. (verb), SPEND - to pay money for something. (verb), SELL - to give something to somebody who pays you money for it. (verb), SAVE - to keep or not spend money so that you can buy something later. (verb), PRIZE MONEY - The act of getting a prize in money for something you have done/achieved. (verb), PAY FOR - The act of paying for something you bought. (verb), EARN - to get money by working. (verb), DONATE - to give something, especially money, to people who need it. (verb), COIN - a piece of money made of metal. (noun), CASH - money in coins and notes. (noun), BUY - to give money to get something. (verb), BILL - a piece of paper that shows how much money you must pay for something. (noun), ALLOWANCE - a small amount of money that parents give their children, usually every week or every month. (noun), AWARD - a prize or money that you give to somebody who has done something very well. (noun),

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