1) Say types of films 2) Things to read 3) Say musical instruments: 4) I'm not a bad.... 5) music (what? - _____(who?) 6) Мне не интересно готовить (translate) 7) Are you into music? What music do you like? 8) проводить много времени (translate) 9) I always.... 10) She (not like) her photos 11) He (not can) dance 12) (always) My teacher is ......... 13) I hate...... 14) (prefer) My friend...... 15) Что? Где? Зачем? Как часто? (translate) 16) What do you do every day?  17) How often do you play the drams. 18) взрослые, дети, подростки (say and explane) 19) Мои бабушка и дедушка пенсионеры. 20) agree (translate in rus) 21) Are we all couch potatoes? 

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