What is the (quick) way to get over a cold?, Who is the (funny) person you know?, What is the (popular) tourist attraction in your country?, What is the (difficult) thing about learning English?, What is the (exciting) game you have ever played?, Who is the (clever) person you know?, What is (early) time you could get up every morning? , Who is the (lazy) person you know? , Which nationalities are the (friendly)?, What is the (frightening) thing that has ever happened to you?, Who is your (old) relative?, What is the (delicious) meal you have ever eaten?, Who is the (creative) person you know?, What is the (happy) memory of childhood?, What is the (enjoyable) holiday you have ever had?, What is your (less) favourite type of music?, What is the (spicy) dish you have ever eaten?, Which is the (inretesting) country you have ever been to?.

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