1) Which cloud has the correct commas? a) 29 Park Lane, Albert, TN b) 29 Park, Lane, Albet TN c) 29 Park Lane, Alber TN 2) Which cloud has the correct commas? a) May 12, 1990 b) May, 12 1990 c) May, 12, 1990 3) Which cloud has the correct commas? a) 1520 Cambel, Lane Bowling Green, KY 42104 b) 1520 Cambel Lane, Bowling Green, KY, 42104 c) 1520 Cambel Lane, Bowling Green KY 42104 4) Which cloud has the correct commas? a) On July 20, 2015, I broke my arm. b) On July 20, 2015 I broke my arm. c) On july, 20, 2015, I broke my arm. 5) Which cloud has the correct commas? a) 16 Oak Street Portland, IL 95061 b) 16 Oak, Street Portland, IL, 95061 c) 16 Oak Street, Portland, IL 95061


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