Felicia is a girl ____ Paul is a boy. We are not going to the park today ____ it is raining heavily now. Gary is drawing in his room ____ his sister is watching TV in the living room. Adam drinks a glass of milk ____ going to school every morning. My sister was taking a shower ____ the postman arrived. The old man is kind ____ helpful. I am older than Anna ____ younger than Jack. The musicians are young. ____, they are talented. ____ they reach the beach, they were happy. Jason hid under the bed ____ his brother could not find him. We stayed up ____ midnight. I have not eaten breakfast, lunch ____ dinner. ____ this morning, Mary had been crying over her lost puppy. My sister is sick. ____, she still goes to her football training. Danny has to wake up early ____ catch the first bus to school. My brother is studying in his bedroom ____ my baby sister is playing in the living room. ____ my father was on his business trip to Indonesia, my mother made breakfast for us every morning. Neither Jacky ____ Timmy has the ball. ____ Sally or Zahid is going to the park this evening. ____ bringing the kitten back from the vet, my mother took care of it carefully.

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