1) Louise is saving up money with a view to buying a house a) in general b) more than anything else c) for now but not permanently d) in order to do something 2) Nathan has no income other than an allowance from his parents. a) forever b) except c) much less d) for now but not permanently 3) My dad rarely has a weekend off work, let alone a whole week a) much less b) in the first place c) more than anything else d) as a type 4) I don’t want to go out. For a start, it’s late. It’s also cold. a) much less b) in the first place c) more than anything else d) as a type 5) Occasionally you can get cheap concert tickets, but by and large they’re quite expensive. a) forever b) as a type c) more than anything else d) in general 6) This shop is first and foremost a food store, but it also sells household items. a) forever b) as a type c) more than anything else d) in general 7) Eleni and Georgios have split up for good. They’ve both got new partners now. a) forever b) as a type c) for now but not permanently d) in general 8) My motorbike’s off the road so for the time being I’m using buses. a) forever b) as a type c) for now but not permanently d) in general

cambridge C1

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