1) I saw them … Christmas day. a) on b) at c) in d) about 2) The ball was in the box … four toys. a) adjacent b) through c) among d) besides 3) He enjoys playing … football. a) in b) with c) at d) No preposition 4) I went to the theatre … last week. a) in b) at c) on d) No preposition 5) I can see a castle … the picture a) in b) on c) between d) about 6) Ann likes listening … music a) at b) around  c) to d) No preposition 7) My friend promised to visit me … next year a) at b) on c) in d) No preposition 8) They like walking in the park … Sundays. a) in b) on c) at d) with 9) He will stop doing homework … an hour. a) since b) at c) in  d) on 10) He congratulated Granny … her birthday a) with b) to c) on d) in

Fill in the correct prepositions if necessary

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