1) A: What would you like to do? B: ______________ interesting: playing chess, watching a movie or playing video games. (3) a) something b) nothing c) everything 2) ____________ stole my backpack yesterday. Now I have to go to the police station. (2) a) Anybody b) Nobody c) Everybody d) Somebody 3) I can’t find my smartphone. Can you see it ____________? (1) a) somewhere b) everywhere c) anywhere d) nowhere 4) Tim celebrated his birthday alone, because _________ came to his party. He was really unhappy. (1) a) everyone b) no one c) someone d) anyone 5) If you don’t have your passport you cannot travel _______________. (2) a) everywhere b) nowhere c) somewhere d) anywhere 6) Sally loves museums because I’m museums _____________ is old and interesting. (3) a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 7) It is too cloudy outside. I don’t see ____________ in the sky. (2) a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 8) This village is boring. There is ___________ to do here. (3) a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 9) Yesterday my friend heard _______________ strange in the forest. (1) a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 10) _____________ was happy because summer holidays finally began. (1) a) someone b) anyone c) no one d) everyone 11) Dad, where are my sunglasses? They are ______________ in the living room. (1) a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere 12) Last summer my family went _______________ because we didn’t have any money. (2) a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere 13) It’s a secret. _______________ must know about it. (2) a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 14) When I was little I couldn’t go ________________ without my parents. (3) a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere 15) ______________ is too expensive in this cafe. The minimum price is €200. (3) a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 16) Sorry, I know ____________ about dogs. (3) a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 17) Do you have _______________ in your bag? (2) a) anything b) anybody c) anywhere 18) My sister is speaking to _________________. (1) a) something b) somebody c) somewhere 19) George gave me _____________ for my birthday. (1) a) something b) someone c) somewhere 20) Let’s go ________________ near the beach? (2) a) something b) somebody c) somewhere 21) They don’t have ______________ to live. (3) a) anything   b) anybody c) anywhere 22) Let’s get _______________ to drink. (3) a) something b) somebody c) somewhere 23) ______________ did homework because it was holidays. (2) a) Nothing b) No one c) Nowhere 24) Lisa plays games with _____________ from her sports club. (2) a) everything b) everybody c) everywhere

Some, Any, No, Every


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