1) Laura ____________ to music when she _______ a weird sound. a) was singing / saw b) heard / was listening c) was listening / heard d) sang / were singing 2) The employees _________ Sonia while they _______________ in the company. a) met / were working b) were looking / worked c) called / was driving d) was smiling / saw 3) Martin ___________ a book when he _________ the horrible news on the tv. a) heard / was writing b) was sleeping / crashed c) did / were seeing d) was reading / saw  4) While our team ____________ soccer , The president ___________ them to give his message to the nation. a) played / was interrupting b) were playing / interrupted  c) was playing / saw d) screamed / gave 5) The argentinians ________ when the player _______ the penalty. a) screamed / were swimming b) were screaming / kicked c) said / was talking d) were reading / called 6) While Martha __________ on the phone with Leticia , Leticia ___________ to her house. a) arrived / were dreaming b) was seeing / did c) listened / was smiling d) was talking / arrived 7) I __________ english when the earthquake ______________. a) was teaching / started b) started / was finishing c) were taking / start d) played / started 8) Luis __________ a call while he ___________ his guitar. a) took / were singing b) was receiving / played c) received / was playing d) was taking / standed  9) Surprised _______ a) by b) about c) in d) at 10) Angry ______ a) about b) in c) at d) by 11) Happy ______ a) at b) about c) by d) in 12) Interested ______ a) by b) about c) at d) in

simple past vs past progressive

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