1) My sister lives in Australia and she ... us a lot. a) miss b) misses c) missing d) missed 2) His train ... at 11.45. a) arrive b) arriving c) arrives d) arrived 3) My grandparents ... in a country house. a) live b) lives c) living d) lived 4) Poor diet ... health problems. a) causez b) causes c) cause d) caused 5) Japanese people ... each other with a bow. a) greets b) do greet c) greet d) greeting 6) What ... your brother ... for breakfast? a) does ... eats b) does ... eat c) do ... eat d) does ... eating 7) How often ... Sara ... swimming? a) goes b) does … goes c) does ... to go d) does … go 8) Vegetarians ... meat. a) don't eat b) doesn't eat c) doesn't eats d) don't eats 9) A gardener ... of the trees and flowers. a) take cares b) takes cares c) take care d) takes care 10) Where ... the river Amazon ... into? a) do ... flow b) does ... flow c) does ... flows d) do ... flows

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