1) I ... buy the ticket to enter the museum a) must b) mustn't 2) In the library, I ... speak loudly a) must b) mustn't 3) I ... run in the museum a) must b) mustn't 4) At home, I must ... after playing with them a) close the door b) tidy the toys c) wash the dishes d) make the bed 5) I mustn't record the movie .... . It breaks the law a) in the school b) in the park c) at home d) in the cinema 6) In the museum, I mustn't .... a) take photos b) leave my bag c) touch anything d) shout 7) When I borrow a book from the library, I must ... it on time a) borrow b) return c) buy d) sell 8) In the cinema, we must .... a) speak loudly b) turn off the mobile phone c) turn on the speaker d) watch the movie noisily 9) In the museum, I .... a) must speak loudly b) mustn't be silent c) mustn't shout d) must scream 10) At school, all students must .... a) wear a uniform b) listen to the teacher c) come on time d) do the assignment

Talking about Rules (must / mustn't)

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