1) 1. The ao dai is the _____ dress of Vietnamese women TRADITION a) traditional b) traditionally c) tradition 2) 2. Tet holiday is the most important _____________for Vietnamese people  CELEBRATE a) celebrate b) celebration c) celebrated 3) 3. We have to be _____ when riding our bikes on the streets. CARE a) careful b) careless c) carefully 4) The old man walked ________________________ to the park SLOW a) slow b) slowly c) to slow 5) 5. The author's ____________________is communicated through his song HAPPY a) happily b) happiness c) happy 6) We think that she is very ____________________ COMMUNICATE a) communicative b) communication c) communicated 7) We went to see most of the _____________________ places. INTEREST a) interested b) interesting c) interest 8) The ___________________ of Vietnam and China is recovered. FRIEND a) friend b) friendly c) friendship 9) Many ____________________ activities will be held tomorrow. CULTURE a) cultural b) culture c) culturely 10) Although our team played ______________, we lost. SUCCESS a) successful b) successfully c) success 11) She has one of the biggest stamp _____________________ in Britain.  COLLECT a) collections b) collection c) collecting 12) Many tourists have been attracted by the _______________of Ha Long bay. BEAUTIFUL a) beautiful b) beautifully c) beauty 13) 5. I hope there won,t be too much _____ in getting a work permission. DIFFICULT a) difficult b) indifficult c) difficulty 14) I think English is an ________________subject  IMPORTANCE a) important b) unimportant c) importance 15) There are two _______________ between the boys. DIFFERENT a) different b) differences c) differ 


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