1) Why does Judy Morgan go to Lincoln Elementary School? a) She wants to meet Mrs. Granger. b) She is upset that her daughter had to stay after school. c) She wants to find out why children are staying after school. d) She wants to write about the bus driver strike. 2) A prank is a ... a) doing what is right b) a teasing trick c) a type of music d) a type of book 3) What does Mrs. Chatham tell Judy? a) The situation is none of Judy's business. b) The situation is under control. c) The fifth graders are acting out because they are ready for middle school. d) The new word is going to be on the school's sign next year: Lincoln Elementary, home of the frindle. 4) A fad is ... a) opposite to fabulous b) a game c) something that is liked by people for a short time. d) when something is delicious. 5) Judy's presence made Mrs. Chatham feel ______ . a) uncomfortable b) confident c) sick d) happy 6) How did the reporter describe Nick? a) Red haired with glasses b) From France c) Red haired and short d) Blond haired and tall 7) Westfield was a ... a) football team b) quiet city c) busy town d) river 8) Who told Judy that a bunch of fifth graders were making trouble with a secret code word? a) Nick b) Nick's parents c) Ted Bell d) Judy's daughter 9) Mrs. Freed is ... a) a reporter b) Nick's mum c) the principal d) the school secretary 10) Judy went to Lincoln Elementary and talked to ... a) Nick b) Nick's parents c) Mrs. Granger d) Mrs. Chatham 11) Mrs. Granger says using the word frindle is foolish because... a) it's disruptive b) it's a difficult word c) it's useless d) it's not in the dictionary 12) The kids tell Judy that Mrs. Granger doesn't read their sentences because a) They see Mrs. Granger throw the sentences away when they are done. b) They want to get Mrs. Granger in trouble. c) They have been writing "frindle" instead of "pen". d) They have been writing fewer sentences than they are supposed to. 13) What did Judy receive at the end of the chapter? a) a white envelope with a letter b) a white envelope with a story c) a brown envelope with a picture d) a card with the word frindle on it

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