1) … is the party? The party is on Saturday. a) When b) Where c) Who 2) … is your Mother? She is 53.  a) When b) How old  c) Who 3) … is your phone number? 555 764 98 a) When b) What c) Who 4) … do you live? a) Where b) Who c) What d) when 5) … is your favourite subject ? a) Who b) What c) When d) Whose 6) … car is this?  a) Who b) Whose c) When d) Where 7) … are my books? They are under the chair. a) Who b) What c) When d) Where 8) … is your favourite singer? a) Who b) What c) When d) Where 9) … is your Father occupation? a) What b) Who c) When d) Where 10) … are you going this weekend?  a) Who b) When c) What d) Where 11) … is your name? a) Who b) What c) Where d) When 12) … is next to you in the photo ? My boyfriend.  a) Who b) What c) When d) Where 13) … can I do for you? a) What b) Whose c) Where d) When 14) … are you from? a) What  b) Why c) Where d) When  15) ... is the time? It's nearly 9 o'clock a) What b) When c) Who 16) ....do you go to the gym? Twice a week a) When b) How often c) Why  d) Who 17) ......... colour do you prefer – red, green or black? a) What b) Who  c) Why  d) Which 18) .....were you born? a) Who b) When c) How long d) What  19) ...........do you like her? She has a big heart and is my best friend. a) Where b) Why c) Who d) What  20) .............person do you like? a) Who b) Whose c) Why d) Which

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