Yesterday I went to ______ new dentist. ______ dentist´s office isn't near my house, Where is Tokyo? - It's in _______ Japan. , My sister is going to be _______ doctor. , Let's watch TV. There's _______ good movie on. , _______ Youtubers are people who make videos and upload them on Youtube, Brian had _______ accident last month., _______ Paris is one of _______ most beautiful cities I have ever visited. , My brother is _______ architect. He lives in _______ USA with ______ friend. , _______Architects design buildings., _______ Lake Michigan is in _______ Chicago.  , Kevin lives on _______ small island in _______ Pacific Ocean. , The capital city of _______ Spain is _______ Madrid. , This is _______ first time that my family visits _______ United Kingdom. , Can you close _______ window, please? , I went to the supermarket and bought _______ apples and ______ expensive packet of biscuits.

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Vòng quay ngẫu nhiên là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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