Willow trees - Trees with hanging branches , Rat - Brown little face with whiskers, something shining and had whiskers .Bright eyes with small ears , who am I? , Mole - Protruding tummy, round glasses, and long nose , who am I?, I lived under the ground - Mole, I love rowing the boats - Rat, In animal world - Where it was not polite to say anything if your friends disappeared at any moment, Splash - Find a word on page 9 showing the sound of water, Rat told exciting stories of life near - Bright fire and hot supper, Personification on page 10 - Sound of the wind went whispering it's secrets through the trees and the plants by the river, Time and place of the novel - The word setting means , Oar from Water rat - Mole tried to snatch the , In the picnic - They enjoyed eating cold meats and egg sandwiches , Dreamily - Find an adverb on page 4 starting with 'd'h with, Blue and white - The colour of Rat's boat was , Danced - Metaphor used on page 4 for the river was, Summer - On page 10 spring turned slowly in to, # - For metaphor and personification, the annotation mark you will use would beyou will use , Badger, Toad, Otter, Rat , Mole - Five characters are introduced in chapter 1 , Kenneth Grahame - The author of the novel is , Theme of the novel - Message that the writer wants to give to it's reader is called,

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