Get on the soapbox - to express your opinions about a particular subject forcefully, A two horse race - a competition, election, etc, in which there are only two teams or candidates with a chance of winning, Lame duck - A politician or a government that doesn’t have much real power because their period in office will end soon and their successor has already been elected., Spin Doctor - someone who is skilled in public relations and who advises political parties on how to present their policies and actions., Entitlement Programs - social programs (government safety nets) like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment compensation., Gerrymandering - manipulation of disctrict boundaries so as to favor one party or class, Strange Bedfellows - When two people, organizations, etc. form an unusual or unexpected political alliance. A sort of political odd couple., Filibuster - A strategy in which a minority can delay a vote on proposed legislation by making long speeches or introducing irrelevant issues., to toe the party line - to do what someone in authority tells you to do although you may not agree with it, Political pundit - A person who offers to mass media their opinion or commentary based on their knowledge in the field., Stick It to the Man - Do something that frustrates those in authority, Waka-Jumping - Change political parties (said of politicians themselves), Champagne socialist - A wealthy person who has left-wing views, especially if their political beliefs are seen as shallow or hypocritical., Fourth estate  - an idiomatic way of describing the media, especially the newspapers,

Politics Vocabulary and Idioms


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