1) It _____hot last summer. a) was b) were 2) There _____two cakes in the fridge yesterday. a) was b) were 3) The boys____at the library last Wednesday. a) was b) were 4) Mrs Black____at work yesterday. a) wasn't b) weren't 5) There ____a cat in the room 2 hours ago. a) was b) were 6) Children ____at school yesterday. a) wasn't b) weren't 7) _____ your friends in China last year? a) were b) was 8) Were you at the party last night? No, I _____ a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 9) _______there many people at the park yeasterday? Yes, there____. a) Was, wasn't b) Were, were c) Were, weren't d) Was, were 10) Mice ______in the cupboard last weekend. a) was b) were 11) Jack and Mike _______outside 3 hours ago. a) wasn't b) weren't 12) ______ John at the swimming pool yesterday? a) were b) was

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