beetle - an insect, often large and black, with a hard case on its back, covering its wings., butterfly - a flying insect with a long thin body and four large, usually brightly coloured wings, camel - an animal with a long neck and one or two humps on its back, used in desert countries for riding on or for carrying goods, insect - small creatures with six legs and a body divided into three parts. They usually also have wings, octopus - a sea creature with a soft round body and eight long arms, that is sometimes used for food, dinosaur - an animal that lived millions of years ago but is now extinct (= it no longer exists). There were many types, some of which were very large. , eagle - a large bird that kills other animals for food, with a sharp curved beak and very good sight, tortoise - an animal with a hard round shell, that lives on land and moves very slowly. It can pull its head and legs into its shell., wing - one of the parts of the body of a bird or insect that it uses for flying, swan - a large bird that is usually white and has a long, thin neck. They live on or near water., extinct - a type of plant, animal that no longer in existence [die out], nest - a place that a bird makes for laying its eggs in, fur - the soft thick mass of hair that grows on the body of some animals, squirrel - a small animal with a long, thick tail and red, grey or black fur. They eat nuts and live in trees., snail - a small, soft creature with a hard, round shell on its back, that moves very slowly and often eats garden plants., jellyfish - a sea creature with a body like jelly and long thin parts that can give a sharp sting on the skin, flamingo - a large pink bird with long thin legs and a long neck, that lives near water in warm countries, crab - a sea creature with a hard shell, eight legs and two curved arms for catching and holding things. They move sideways on land., turtle - a large reptile with a hard round shell that lives in the sea, shell - the hard outer part of eggs, nuts, some seeds, and some animals,



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