Life expectancy - How many years people live for on average, Birth rate - Number of births per 1000 people per year, Infant mortality - Number of babies that die under one year after a live birth , Literacy rate - % of population who can read and write , Calorie intake - Daily average calorie consumed (food and drink) , GNI- Gross National Income - $ from goods , services , earned and paid to other countries , Death rate - Number of deaths per 1000 people per year, Fair trade - Producers are given a better price for their goods , High Income Country or HIC - GNI per capita (person) is >$12746, Low Income Country or LIC - GNI per capita (person) is <$1045, Newly Emerging Economies or NEE - Experiencing high rates of development and industry (factories etc ) , HDI Human Development Index - GDP per person, life expectancy and literacy combined,

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