1st: Blend the letters and then do ghunnah 2nd: hamzah is sharp and light, Hold ghunnah for 2 counts, Say 'Himm": hold ghunnah for 2 counts, Stretch 4 counts, Stretch 2 counts, "Sonn-na": do ghunnah for 2 counts, Cut off the silent yaa, alif and laam. Then say "Fis-samaaaa-i", Join the letters to make 1 sound, Do ghunnah and then stretch for 2 counts, Blend the sound of the tanween and wa, Skip the 2nd LA, Say "Linn-naa", Say "Kal", skip the hamzat wasl, Add kasra to the hamzat wasl, Hold ghunnah for 2 counts, Stretch 4 counts, Blend the sound of the tanween and wa, and do ghunnah, Join the sound, say "Mal-laa", Do ghunnah for 2 counts, Say "Humm-mu",

Unit 3 Review

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