Golpear con el bastón  - To hit with the (walking) stick, Estar de luto  - To be in mourning , Estar encerrada/o - To be locked up, Portarse bien (se portó bien) - To behave well [be good] (she was good), Llevar el cuento - To go tale- telling, Cae el sol como plomo - The sun feels heavy as lead (It is very hot), Buscar el calor de la pana - Seeking the warmth of corduroy trousers (the proteccion of a man), No tendrás ninguna queja - You have nothing to complain about, El veneno de sus lenguas - The poison of their tongues , Maldito pueblo sin río - Damned town without a river, Manada de cabras - A herd of goats, Hemos tapiado con ladrillos puertas y ventanas - We have walled with bricks doors and windows, Podéis empezar a bordar el ajuar - You can start embroidering the Trousseau, Prefiero llevar sacos al molino - I prefer to carry sacks to the mill, Maldita sean las mujeres - Damn the women, Se hace lo que yo mando - You all do what I command, Hilo y aguja para las hembras - Thread and needle for women, Látigo y mula para el varón - Whip and mule for the man, Nacer con posibles - To be born with means (fortune), En voz alta - In loud voice, Es fuerte como un roble - She is as strong as an oak, Tener mala intención - To be nasty, Que no se acerque al pozo - Don't let her get close to the well, Asomarse a la rendija del portón - Peeking out of the gate slit, Ir con el anzuelo detrás de un hombre - To go after (with a hook) a man,

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