1) My friend Lucas is from ... . a) Germany b) Arabic c) Japan 2) My sister's a ... . a) translator b) civil servant c) engineer 3) My mum works in a ... . a) warehouse b) office c) university 4) My brother speaks good Spanish and a bit of ... . a) Portuguese b) Russian c) Poland 5) I'm doing a degree in ... at the moment. a) Lawyer b) Economics c) Medicine 6) My family are all really into ... . a) reading b) sport c) cook 7) I am ...  . a) an only children b) the yougest of four kids c) a twin 8) My uncle is ... . a) single b) married c) separate

Outcomes Inter (1) Vocabulary. Talking about people

Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

Tùy chọn

Chuyển đổi mẫu

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